Decodables VS. Leveled books, Which One to Choose?
Two of the most common types of learning texts used when teaching students to read are decodable books and leveled books. How are they different and how should they be used?
Two of the most common types of learning texts used when teaching students to read are decodable books and leveled books. How are they different and how should they be used?
What’s a good way to offer different types of learners the kind of practice and support they need to be successful in their reading journey? This is where decodable books come into play.
Phonics is considered by researchers as a ‘critical reading skill’. What does that mean and how should we approach phonetic learning?
eBooks are a great supplement to more traditional ways of learning, especially when it comes to learning how to read. There are many reasons that they’re great for children. Three of these reasons really jump out.
It’s perfectly normal for young readers to have difficulty reading and pronouncing certain phonetic sounds. Read on to find out how we can turn reading difficulties into learning opportunities!